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Flexi- Time and Time Off In Leiu (TOIL)

Tameside MBC have operated a flexi-time since the late 1990’s and has encouraged members of staff where possible to use this system.  Both Flexi-time and TOIL can be helpful to service provision and staff moral. At the moment the present Flex monitoring system is under review to reflect the changes in the way we now work.  The core working times are: Monday to Thursday 10am – 12 noon and 2pm – 4pm.  Friday 10am – 12 noon and 2pm – 3.30pm.  Lunch breaks are important and should be at least 20 mins or no more than 2 hours.  You can carry over 15 hours credit and 7.5 hours debit each month (credit = the council owes you time, debit – you owe the council time). Any debit should be made up by the end of the following month.  For a service to be running smoothly you must consult with your line manager any time you need to take as flexi or TOIL especially if you need a full day, you should also discuss with your manager how you use the system, how it fits with the business and why you feel this is the best working pattern for you and the business. A manager can refuse the use of Flex-time or TOIL if it doesn’t fit in with the service provision.  TOIL must be agreed in writing by both parties where Flex-time would be part of your contractual duties.  No party can assume or enforce the use of TOIL or Flex for hours worked above their normal day, there must be a choice of either time off or pay and it must be agreed by both parties. As part of the EU Working Time Directive it states that no employee can be made to work more than 48 hour a week without a prior written agreement.  With all the changes that have happened people now have new job roles, change of management and work in a different building, this may have had an affect on how you use your flexi-time or TOIL.  If you have had an arrangement in place previously and the service area wants to change that arrangement they must consult with you and your Trade Union before making a change.  To see if you are entitled to Flexi-time or TOIL it should state in your Contract of Employment.

Posted: 7th December 2016

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