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Work and Social Media

Do you know and understand the employers Social Media Policy? Are all your privacy settings in line with the Policy?  Are you aware that you can be dismissed for several reasons after posting something that relates to work?

We deal with Disciplinary issues relating to Social Media several times a year. Comments about your place of work, their provision to customers, taking photographs relating to work and much more can lead to investigations.  The outcomes are a warning or dismissal.

Please be aware that just because you don’t work for a particular service area it won’t matter if you make a negative comment. You are still putting the employer into disrepute.

Some posts can be assumed to be Bullying or Harassment towards an employee, weather this is a colleague, manager, head of service, councillor or anyone else in connection to the employer.

Some examples are: A care worker was also a singer the group they sing with went to the care home to entertain the residents. Photos were taken and they were so happy they posted some on social media, even naming the care home. This contravened the employer’s policy, there was an investigation and the person was dismissed.

A person had put a complaint on social media about their employer with regards to a service they had received from them. The employee didn’t work in this department, they didn’t mention the name of the employer and there was no information on their social media that showed they had any connection to the employer.  On this occasion the employee was given a final written warning.

Check out your settings, make sure you don’t put out there who you work for and most of all think before you send a post.

Posted: 16th April 2019

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